i would if i could中文什么意思

发音:   用"i would if i could"造句
  • i:    pron. (pl. we ) 〔人 ...
  • if:     If they had ...
  • could:     (can 的过去式) 1.〔特殊用 ...
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更多例句:  下一页
  1. Can we switch classes ? - i would if i could
    咱们可以换课吗? -能换的话我就换
  2. - can we switch classes ? - i would if i could
    -咱们可以换课吗? -能换的话我就换
  3. I would if i could , but i can ' t , so i won ' t
  4. I would if i could , but i can ' t go with you
  5. I would if i could , but i really have no idea


  1. i would give you anything 什么意思
  2. i would give you everything 什么意思
  3. i would have never 什么意思
  4. i would have no inkling of, 什么意思
  5. i would have thought so 什么意思
  6. i would lie here for all time 什么意思
  7. i would lie here in the darkness 什么意思
  8. i would lie here watching over you 什么意思
  9. i would like a cup of coffee please 什么意思
  10. i would like some italy food 什么意思


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